
The 2023/24 Semester 2 examinations are scheduled to take place between Monday 13th May and Wednesday 5th June 2024.

The exam timetable is available here. Please note an updated version of the timetable including locations for on campus exams will be available at the same link by 19th April.

Read the information below for what 'On Campus' and 'Online Exams' mean for you. Individual Course Unit Directors may follow up with more specific information relating to exam instructions, word counts, rubrics and expectations around referencing.

Top Tips

  • It is very important that you enter your ID number from your student card clearly at the top of your Word doc exam script. The University operates a policy of anonymous marking and your student ID number is vital to the marking process. You will need to have your student ID number to hand for each examination. Please do not add your name or surname anywhere. You must use your student ID number as your file name e.g.5667890.docx. When you submit in Turnitin enter the file title i.e. your ID number in the 'submission title' field.
  • Carefully read the instructions on your exam paper. Some exam papers include specific instructions. Please ensure you check the instructions for each of your exams, and follow them carefully.
  • If you experience any issues during the exam period you should contact the Assessment team at ambs.assessment@manchester.ac.uk in the first instance.
  • Avoid using Safari browser and Internet Explorer as they are not supported. Submission issues with these browsers will not be regarded as grounds for mitigation.
  • Document any IT issues by taking clearly time-stamped screenshots/photos or videos prior to the deadline and submit these to the team as instructed on the same day.
  • Exams can be stressful. Take good care of yourself. Eat well to maximise concentration and energy, get a good night's sleep and remember to build some 'me time' into your revision schedule. Take a look at the Library's online wellbeing resources which aim to help maintain a calm frame of mind.

General Exam Guidance

This section relates to general guidance covering both on campus and online examinations.

Invigilated On Campus Exam Guidance

This section relates to specific guidance around attending in person, on campus examinations

We have made changes to the way we organise our assessment and exams. Most exams and assessments will be online, with a relatively small number taking place on campus.

You can access detailed guidance on what to expect from on campus exams via the central exams website, which provides you with everything you need to:

  • prepare well before your exams, with our study skills resources and past papers;
  • do well during your exams, with information about avoiding misconduct and exam locations; and,
  • get support if you need it after your exams.

Online Timed and Open Book Exam Guidance

This section relates to specific guidance around submitting online timed and open book exams via Turnitin and Blackboard Tests.