Registration and tuition fees
Confirmation of registration
Confirmation of registration letters for visa or other recognised official purposes are provided by the Student Services Centre for those students who require this facility.
Registration process
An important part of becoming a student of the University is the completion of registration. This is the online process by which we check that we have all the necessary information about you, confirm your status as a student and collect your tuition fees.
During registration you will confirm your personal details, check the programme you have been entered on is correct and then pay (or agree to the method of payment of) your tuition fees. You will also read and agree to the University statutes, ordinances and bye-laws.
Registration opens from 1 September and you register online, using the student system (campus solutions). This enables you to complete registration at any time convenient to you before you arrive in Manchester. Registration must be completed by 30 September.
The Registration section of My Manchester gives instructions on how to complete this process.
You should complete registration online in advance of coming/ returning to Manchester - this will save you time when you arrive on campus. However, if you do not have access to the internet, or have been unable to complete registration online, computer facilities and help from staff will be available on campus. My Manchester lists the location and opening times of IT clusters you will be able to use during Welcome Week. In addition, you will be able to use the undergraduate IT facilities in the Alliance MBS building during Welcome Week.
Late registration fee
If you do not complete registration by 30 September you will be liable for a late payment charge of £200.
The late registration fee will not be imposed on students who have a valid reason for not being able register by the due date. If this applies to you, contact The Student Services Centre as soon as possible. An example of a valid explanation would be illness, certified by a medical note, but we would not accept, for example, being away on holiday as a good reason for registering late.