Student reps

What is a student representative?

Student Representatives play a vital part in the School's operations. They provide a “voice for students”, which does not only mean talking on behalf of their class; it is about bringing issues to light, supporting fellow students and identifying and solving problems. Student Representatives (reps) are actively involved in:

  • Gathering feedback from fellow students
  • Attending a variety of meetings, drop-in sessions and forums
  • Communicating the student voice to School staff and working alongside the AMBS IAG team to ensure implementation of feedback
  • Communicating with fellow students to help improve the student experience
  • Promoting active student involvement in programme development

Being a Student Representative gives you the opportunity to develop your communication skills, ability to listen, and practice the art of diplomacy and assertiveness. The role brings networking opportunities too.

All AMBS programmes have at least one rep to act as the representative for their particular programme for one academic year.

What is the role of a student representative?

AMBS Undergraduate Reps will sit on their relevant Programme Committees and the UG Student Staff Liaison Committees. We ask for a second or final year rep to act as chair for the Staff Student Liaison Committee (SSLC). As far as possible, these meetings will be held on a Wednesday afternoon to avoid teaching times.

Reps will be expected to have ongoing contact with their class mates via a number of methods. AMBS would like to hear what’s going well and can be done more often and what isn’t going so well and can be improved.

Administrators can also help to establish small drop-in sessions for reps to meet their cohort in a relaxed setting with refreshments.

We ask that reps visit their the AMBS IAG team periodically for an informal discussion about their role as a rep and to discuss any issues that may be easily resolved outside of the committee meetings. The AMBS IAG team will also want to hear what views reps have gathered from their fellow students.

Student reps

Find out who your student representatives are. Get in contact with them to raise any issue you may have.

To find out more about the full list of the Student Reps, please have a look at the AMBS UG-PGT Student Representatives 2023/24.

Please see below for the details of the Lead Reps of your programme and level of study.