Absence from classes and attendance requirements

At the time of registration, students will have ticked a box on the Student System to indicate an agreement to follow the University of Manchester’s regulations. These regulations require students to attend all scheduled/timetabled classes on their programme of study, including submission of all written work by deadlines specified by Course Unit Directors.

Non-attendance is only acceptable on health or compassionate grounds. In this event, if you miss class, (lecture or seminar/workshop/lab) you must follow the procedure outlined below. There is an expectation that you will catch up on any missed work and be adequately prepared for the next class of that course. 

In the event of injury or illness which is likely to lead to absence of a longer period of time, students must contact the Student Support and Wellbeing team ambs.wellbeing@manchester.ac.uk as soon as possible.

Please refer to the University's Regulation XX for full information about attendance requirements: 

The School will monitor student attendance and engagement throughout the academic year. Should attendance/engagement be deemed unsatisfactory or raise concerns, the School will contact the relevant students and give them the opportunity to provide an explanation and also improve their attendance/engagement going forward.

Appropriate support will be provided in the event of welfare concerns or issues.

For those students whose do not have a credible reason for their absence and who show no improvement in attendance, the University has the power to refuse them permission to attend exams with the consequence of being excluded from their programme of study.

Should a students’ examination results be marginal, the Board of Examiners will take into account attendance/engagement records which could impact progression.

Student Route Visa Attendance Responsibilities

All our students on a student visa / tier 4 visa must regularly register their attendance: 

  1. Check-in at in-person taught sessions
  2. Check-in on campus twice a week

Checking-in is required to maintain your visa – we must show UKVI that you’re attending and engaging with your course. If you don’t check-in, we’ll contact you to see if there’s an issue and you need help. If you continue to miss check-ins, your visa could be at risk. 

Taught session check-ins

Use the online forms linked below to check-in at all your in-person taught sessions. Make sure you click the correct week to access the right form. 

You can check-in up to 20 minutes before your teaching session starts and 20 minutes after it ends. If your teaching session is cancelled, you do not have to check-in.

WeekCheck-in link
25 September - 1 October Week 1 check-in
2 October - 8 October Week 2 check-in
9 October - 15 October Week 3 check-in
16 October - 22 October Week 4 check-in
23 October - 29 October Week 5 check-in
30 October - 5 November Week 6 check-in
6 November - 12 November Week 7 check-in
13 November - 19 November Week 8 check-in
20 November - 26 November Week 9 check-in
27 November - 3 December Week 10 check-in
4 December - 10 December Week 11 check-in
11 December - 17 December Week 12 check-in

On campus check-ins

Go to The Hive (second floor) in the AMBS building with your student ID card. 

New students do not have to start check-ins until they pick up their student ID card. Returning students should start check-ins from Monday 2 October. 

You can drop in any time Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. 

You must check-in twice every week during term time and those two check-ins must be on different days. 

You cannot send someone else to check-in for you - a Hub staff member will check your ID card photo to verify your identity. If you cannot come to campus (e.g. you’re ill), you should inform us by email: ambs.hub@manchester.ac.uk

Note: For returning students, please note that the My Attendance app in My Manchester is not being used this year.