
You should expect to receive a high standard of education at Alliance MBS, but you also have a responsibility to contribute to your educational experience. Ultimately, you will only get from your degree programme what you are prepared to put into it.

Intellectual responsibilities

Higher education is not meant to be a passive experience. You should be prepared to engage with the issues, ideas and arguments that you encounter.

Please don't treat the lectures, seminars and workshops as the source of all knowledge and understanding. Private study is an irreducible minimum and vital if you are to get the best out of your educational experience.

Personal responsibilities

We expect you to demonstrate a positive commitment to your work throughout the year. Attendance at all classes is compulsory and is recorded across seminars, labs and workshops.

Your attendance record can be taken into account in assessing your effort and achievement in a course unit. If you are unable to attend any class, it is your responsibility to make up lost ground. You can borrow notes and handouts from friends, access relevant material on Blackboard and do supplementary reading to achieve this.

Whilst every effort will be made to keep you informed of issues and events that may affect you, it is your responsibility to 'watch out' and take note of these. Therefore, it is imperative that you check your email on a daily basis, as email is the main method by which you will be informed of urgent and important matters.

Your educational experience and that of your fellow students, is affected by how you conduct yourself in lectures, seminars, workshops and labs.

Please don't:

  • Take food or drink (except bottled water) into lecture and seminar rooms or computer labs
  • Use mobile phones in lectures, seminar rooms or labs. Switch them off!
  • Use laptops and iPads in lecture, seminar rooms or labs without the consent of the person leading the class
  • Arrive late for lectures, workshops, seminars and labs
  • Chatter or generally misbehave during lectures, seminars, workshops or labs.